West Palm

Florida is cool so far. We are in Palm Beach for the next two weeks, our hotel reminds me of a European hotel in that its got a seemingly hip look but its really not as nice as it appears. We aren't staying at the Colony Hotel (where we are playing) which is fine with me as there really isn't much to do in Palm Beach, West Palm has a little more going on.

The legendary Keely Smith was at the gig opening night. She's come to see us quite a bit. If you don't know her, she sang with Louis Prima for years. She's fantastic, here's a performance from over 40 years ago:

Cool, right?

And on a totally unrelated note, how great does this movie look?

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  1. Special K 11:01 AM

    "Is that chocolate or poop? Chocolate or poop?" That just about sums up the glamour of babies for me. (:

  2. KHM 7:37 PM

    That's Conrad from Weeds...its worth $7.50 just to look at him a while.

    Thanks for the Louis Pima blast from the past---I have a cd for Milo with his band doing Yes, We have no Bananas. Fabulous! And Ella really killing Old MacDonald...

  3. Anonymous 4:51 AM

    Louis Prima? OOH OOH OOH I wanna be like you OOH OOH, I wanna walk like you talk like you OOH OOH OHH. You know what I'm talking about? I loved that blast from the past too. I used to see them on TV, I think he had a variety show of some type in the olden days.

    I hope Special K wasn't talking about my precious darling, hopefully I just didn't get the jist of her comment.


  4. Special K 11:33 AM

    no, no, nothing against milo, just against poop (reference to the movie Lyman linked to).