
We had a really fun July 4th weekend. After a busy week last week I was ready to relax. My last recording session really stressed me out over that time. Then on Saturday I had a recording session for a gospel/Christian record. It was a lot of work since there were no charts (written-out music) and a lot of the music was rubato. I was playing along with vocals and piano which were already recorded. It was tough.

Sunday Carrie and I hung out and had dinner at a really nice place where a friend of mine works. Then I played poker until the weeee hours of the morning. On the Fourth we went to the annual cookout at the Woodman (an apt. building where a lot of my friends live or hang out). It was a blast. I don’t remember too much of it. But I remember enough to know that I had a great time. Murphy went with us as well. He was the life of the party. He was getting so much attention from everyone, he was in heaven.

Last night I had a gig with a Latin Jazz group I used to play with. I love Latin music but rarely get an opportunity to play it. It was a fine gig.

I have the next three days off before my hectic, HECTIC July begins. Gigs with Tyrell, a regular Tuesday night gig, the high school Improv class, and accompanying improve classes at the Mancini Institute and my vacation to San Diego and a trip back to Indianapolis for a wedding… hooo boy …

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