Many of you probably have seen the now infamous "Narnia Rap." It's an SNL skit that ran in December sometime and it's pretty damn funny. I personally think that the whole "goofy white guys rapping like they are tough" has been played out, but these guys are hilarious. It was all over the internet and NBC lawyers got involved to stop it. But your man Lyman has found it!
Best line: "Mr. Pibb + Red Vines = Crazy Delicious!"
Chronicles of Narnia
Now, a "respons rap" was made by some guys out here. You see the original takes place on a lazy day in NYC, so these guys wrote one about LA. It's not as funny as the other but its worth a look especially if you live in LA.
Best line: "On the way we'll be kicking it live, cranking NPR on the 405"
Color Me Mine.
Then to top it all off some guys from Muncie made yet another response rap. Far from being as clever as the other two there is some controversy as to weather or not both of these guys are actually from Muncie. Still sort of funny.
Best line: "We don't need no Google Map, what the hell's a Thomas Guide? I've been rolling down McGalliard since I was 4 or 5."
Lazy Muncie
So more stupid fun courtesy of the internet. I'm sure these are funnier to me since I've lived in all three places, hope you find them as funny.
Narnia Rap Battles
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- Published:
- at 5:21 PM on Wednesday, February 22, 2006
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6:48 PM
Hi cuz---how's it goin? Listen--I've been having lots of pc problems lately and tonight I finally figured out it was probably related to the Sony fiasco with rootkit manipulation to limit ripping and copying music from their cds. I read through a list of titles known to be affected; in no way comprehensive, it spans all Sony owned labels, all genres. I thought of you because it included a title by The Bad Plus as well as a Horace Silver and a Gerry Mulligan---who would have thought that??? I think you should check out this summary of the problem ( to learn how to see if your machine may be affected with bad stuff before things go awry---like mine has.
love you.
auntie kat - 7:27 PM
- 8:00 PM
9:07 PM
something worse than big fonts, let me tell you! Like my browse was kind of hijacked, would freeze and my processor was just choked with processes I couldn't identify at all. From there---things just got worse---machine seizing up ALL the time. Just nothing accounted for it. It blew and I thought I was going to have reformat the hard drive and start all over. Give me a call if you'd like when you have a moment and I'll see if I can't walk you through a couple of things that could be causing your problem.
I ain't no hollaback girl.
kat - 5:20 AM
12:52 PM
Apparently that hollarback was for this cuz the little known cuzin in Tennessee. You looked good on that Disney video, glad you don't get the treatment we did from Disney when we made stuff for them it was everything short of a body cavity search.
But fun trying to tell everyone in hickville who you are and are associated with!!!!!!!! Tyrell Who?????? LMAO
Paul - 3:18 PM
- 6:47 AM