Back to Life

Back to life, back to work, back to waiting for this baby to come.

I saw Pan's Labyrinth yesterday. Boy, what a great movie. My sister-in-law saw it and remarked how unexpectedly bloody and violent it was. While I had been interested in the movie and was a fan of the director (he directed Blade 2 as well) my interest was peeked after reading her take on it (am I twisted or what?). But it really is great; while it has it's share of violence it is by no means gratuitous, think a Grimm's Fairytale for adults. There have been some great movies this year. I'll do a top 10 list soon but I'm quite happy to see movies based on original and creative ideas being made again instead of the re-hashes and biopics that have been so popular lately.

For some odd reason I think I've been on East Coast time ever since coming back from NYC. Granted, I've been back to the east coast quite a bit since then, but when I'm home I've been going to bed at like 11:00 PM. That's pretty early for me man. It's odd; jet-lag from Japan gets me, jet-lag from the east coast is usually barely noticeable. But I'm not going to worry too much about it, my sleep schedule is going to get really tough in a few weeks.

Speaking of, big thanks to Kathy for sending Carrie and I a whole mess of DVDs including seasons of Homicide and The Wire for the long days/nights when the baby comes home. I haven't been too much of a television watcher for the past few years (aside from sports of course). Carrie and I got Digital Cable/On Demand when we moved, that and iTunes have made catching shows easier. I've watched the last season of Sopranos, both seasons of Weeds, and Big Love but that's about it. When I was in Miami Beach at bossman's condo the guys in the band I was staying with watched a bunch of stuff they Tivod. I was surprised at how many shows they watched but I guess it's pretty easy to stay current with Tivo. I think it would be nice but Carrie isn't in to it and it isn't really that important to me. I'll stick to watching Heroes on the old iPod and checking out the DVDs Kathy sent.

Well the Superbowl glow is slowly fading. I will never get tired of seeing highlights from the game or players getting interviewed (at the game there were souvenir seat cushions on every seat, attached was a pouch with some freebies in it including a "gift certificate" to download Superbowl highlights from iTunes, portable Superbowl baby!). I'm trying to figure out what to buy to commemorate the Colt's Championship. I'm definitely going to get the Sports Illustrated Commemorative booklet and DVD. I'm also going to get a nice, framed poster to put in my son's room. Carrie protests but she needs to face the fact that she's having a boy and he's going to be interested in boy things including football. HA!

Tomorrow I'm off to Palm Springs for a gig with Mistah Tyrell. There's a hotel provided so Carrie and the Murph Dizzle might come if they are up to it. If not there are some casinos out there, maybe I'll play some cards after the show.

Heh, 10:00 ... almost time for bed ...

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  1. Drew 10:34 PM

    Julie and I became really good at reading our shows and movies. Close captioning was a savior during Layla's early cholic stages. We couldn't hear the tv, but we could read it as we paced back and forth in the living room.

    You might be going to bed early, but I'll make up for it for you. 1:30 in the am here and still going.

  2. Carrie 6:29 AM

    I love your new earlier sleep schedule; if only I was a more fun bed partner and not the grunting and groaning girl beside you!

  3. KHM 10:18 AM

    Dude, you owe me an honest review of Capote. I actually don't think it qualifies as a biopic...
    More dvds where those came from. That still seems to be the only way rob and I can enjoy TV together...tho I do love tivo for being able to catch a week's worth of Jon you!
    Ps--- I love weeds, too!