Cold Remedy Regimen

-Zicam Nasal Gel, every four hours
This stuff is magic, start taking it at the first hint of a cold and it will either
keep your symptoms pretty quiet or stop the cold entirely.

-Ibuprofen, every four hours
You can use the generic stuff but it doesn't have the sweet coating like Advil does.

-Saline Sinus rinse
Saline solution squirted in to one nostril, comes out the other. Its like snorting
pool water but does it ever clean you out.

-Multi Vitamin

Even with the best treatment regimen having a cold still sucks. Milo has one too. Hearing the little guy coughing and breathing heavy because of congestion is one heartbreaking sound. He seems oblivious though.

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  1. Anonymous 11:56 AM

    Poor little fellers. Both Sonny Boy and Baby Boy down with a cold. I hate when that happens. Let's hope Mama stays well to care for the infirmed. Hope you both feel better soon. LYFE Grandma

  2. Special K 12:41 PM

    1 shot whiskey
    1/2 cup boiling water
    1 tablespoon honey
    splash of lemon

  3. KHM 7:17 PM

    The researcher in me wonders:

    how do you know if "the regimen" stops the cold versus not really having a cold at all when you start "the regimen"?

    The reasonable person in you probably wonders:
    why is Kathy such an ass sometimes?

    Love you.

  4. Lyman 12:45 AM

    I have about two lawn-size trash bags full of used Kleenex to prove that I have the cold.

    And K, is that a hot toddy?

  5. Jason 6:24 AM

    Watch out for more brown spots Melman!

  6. KHM 8:04 AM

    ahhh; so how well does the regimen work, Mr. Kleenex trashbag?

  7. kbmulder 10:31 AM

    Thanks! I needed that. I just got one and think I started the Zicam a day late. Hopefully I'll still survive.

    Is that saline rinse like the netti pot thing that Carrie used when she had a bad cold during pregnancy?

  8. Carrie 7:29 PM

    The saline rinse is the same, but you use a squirt bottle instead of a little pot. I think Lyman is becomming a believer. I haven't used it since I was able to take Tylenol Cold and Nyquil again after pregnancy and brest feeding. Ahhh drugs...