
Certain thoughts go through a person's mind when they look out their window and see strong winds rustling trees back and forth and blowing leaves and other junk through the air; "looks windy, I better grab a sweater," "the wind is really kicking up, its probably going to rain soon." You don't expect to walk out your door and be slammed in the face with an 80 degree wind and air dry enough to make your skin instantly ashy.

That's what we're dealing with down here, dry wind like I've never experienced before. They're called the Santa Anna winds and usually they're pretty comfortable. Not so this year. As I'm sure you've heard by now the winds have stoked fires all across Southern California. The closest fires to us are about 15 mi. away so we should be cool but not unaffected. Carrie has a co-worker who had to evacuate her home and sleep at a local high school and all outdoor activities were canceled because of poor air quality. The smoke looks like big clouds up in the sky and makes everything overcast. Pretty weird.

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  1. Anonymous 5:25 PM

    Glad you guys are O.K. Hope it stays that way.
    Trish & Larry

  2. KHM 5:35 PM

    Be careful, kiddo. People can begin acting pretty cuckoo in stituations like this.

  3. Anonymous 4:30 AM

    Breathing is a big problem too with all the pollutants blowing around. I remember once when I visited having the Santa Anna winds however it wasn't that bad and there were no fires. Be safe. LYFE Grandma