Everyone, I'd like you to meet ...

... Porkchop (more pics on the baby blog)

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  1. Drew 6:00 AM

    Aren't 3D ultrasounds the greatest? It gives you such a better feel for your baby than the normal ultrasound. Good luck with the name. A boys name was hard for us too.

  2. KHM 6:14 AM

    Oh, the advances of a few years---I dig that 3D ultrasound. He looks like a keeper, guys!

    I'll propose a boy's name; Rob and I never had a little boy but we had no trouble with the name. From the first moment of the first ill-fated pregnancy our little boy was going to be Nicholas Walker. I give you permission to steal it.

  3. Anonymous 6:36 AM

    This is sooooooooo exciting...can't wait for Ferris to arrive...I call him that because of your Mother...so perhaps you and Carrie should get busy and publish Darling Boy Mederios's real name.

    GOOOOOO COLTS!!!!!!!!!

    Love to all,

  4. Lyman 8:09 AM

    Guys, this is a post about the picture, not the name! ;)

  5. Anonymous 10:22 AM

    Nephew......WOW.....I see head, face,arm, hand, fingers...what is the other images? movement???
    Aunt Carol

  6. Lyman 11:19 AM

    The other images are placenta, uterus, cord, etc.

  7. KHM 11:19 AM

    oh, its just miserable, innit? when people have the convo they want to have instead of the one you intend??

    Principle #1 of impending parenthood: family and friends will harangue relentlessly about the sex of your baby until the nanosecond it is ascertained; at that point they will harangue you relentlessly about the name which you will, no doubt withhold... People will feel quite empowered to make whatever remarks they may about a potential name; they'll be a bit more circumspect about names attached to extrautero persons.

    Hold the line!