Congratulations Jason B-nett!

Let me be the first to publicly congratulate my good friend Jason Barnett on winning the Silver Medal on the Trampoline yesterday. Jason edged out Dong Dong for second place in this high-flying gymnastics event. Here's a picture of our man showing off his terrific accomplishment:

Hold on ... that doesn't look like Jason ...

... waitaminute ...

That's Jason BURNETT not BARNETT. And he's from Toronto, not Noblesville. Oopsie!

How embarrassing! Sorry about the mix-up folks, but I have no doubt with a little hard work and practice our Jason can perfect his high-flying spins and turns and indeed surpass his Canadian namesake to bring home the Gold Medal in Trampoline at the next Olympics.

Good luck Jason! We're all behind you!

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  1. Lyman 7:34 AM

    my wife read the post and said "I don't get it" ... oh well, they can't all be gems

  2. Lyman 1:36 PM

    no? nothing? ...

  3. Lyman 6:39 PM

    cuz you see ... one is Burnett and the other is Barnett ... right?

  4. Anonymous 8:48 PM

    I got it must have to be family...

    Greatest Aunt Carol

  5. Jason 1:19 PM

    Holy steaming pile of poo, I didn't realize I was that good (I thought Corinne deleted that video anyway...)
    I would first of all like to thank God for allowing the trampoline material to hold my heft so well as to not burst and have my body slam into the ground. Next to my family, friends and fans, I would not have been able to make it here without you.
    Sturgis 2009, here I come!!

  6. KHM 2:17 PM

    haha! got it, Lyman. Remiss of me to not say so sooner...