Blogroll, Holla!

I've updated the links/blogs section to the left. Sites of note:

My sister-in-law Kelly's blog is always pretty funny. There are some good NYC Christmas photos of us up at the moment.

While many of us blogger's simply ramble on about our lives and our opinions, Dominic's blog actually has a point! Dom works for the city of London surveying buildings and architecture. He does a good job of posting photos of the stuff he's working on as well. It's a really nicely done blog.

Daniel Negraunu is a professional poker player who keeps a pretty detailed journal of his career and life. It's pretty fun reading about what he does. With poker becoming so popular in the last few years most of his career these days are personal appearances and business meetings. But make no doubt about it Daniel is one of the best card players in the world and was Poker Player of the Year in '04.

Jeff Brady's blog is often cynical and funny. Jeff is a huge supporter of The Funky Supervillain and was the very first person to write a review of it on his blog.

ColtFreaks is a great site for Colts fans such as myself. Their message boards are a lot of fun and every week they link to a fansite of the Colt's opposing team. Much smack talk ensues.

And finally we have the greatest blog I've stumbled upon in a while, I Hate The New England Patriots featuring hilarious exploits of Bill Bellichoke and the Hatriots. A must for every football fan.

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  1. Jeff 1:39 AM

    Yay! Thanks for the shout!

  2. Lyman 7:00 PM

    did you already know about the site?

  3. Anonymous 7:58 PM

    Hey I agree 100% agree with the last few comments. This blog has great opinions and this is why I continue to visit, thanks! ##link#