New Promo Pics

The photo shoot went really well. Here are some contenders for my new 8x10s.

I think we got some really good shots.

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  1. Jeff 6:29 PM

    I like the first one because the energy of your blurry fingers plucking at the strings, and the concentration in your face.

    I like the third one because it shows you more relaxed, and the shadow from the head of the bass on the wall behind you gives it depth.

    The middle one doesn't have enough detail, it doesn't tell us enough about you.

  2. Lyman 8:23 PM

    The first and second ones are cool but I think the last one is the way I'm going to go. I'm still not sure though.

  3. Anonymous 6:50 AM

    Dear Nephew...........I like the third one!
    Aunt Carol

  4. KHM 4:20 PM

    I like three a lot, Lym. But I do like one as well---for the blurry fingers that Jeff points out. Nice--all of them.


  5. Bret Taylor 4:55 PM

    I liked the second one best. In the first one it's hard to tell what you're doing, and the third is... not that exciting.

  6. Jason 5:38 PM

    Looks great Bro! Now if you want, I still have that photo from the party at Alison's on Carson Street leaning on the porcelain goddess for support.

  7. Jeff 10:48 PM

    Natalie Portman rapping on SNL!

  8. Lyman 12:17 AM

    Bret, I know but I think not that exciting might be the safe way to go.

    Jason, do you really have that picture? Scan and post it baby!

    Jeff, that is BRILLIANT. Thanks for the link. She's kind of hot when she raps.

  9. Anonymous 6:00 AM

    You look like the spawn of Satan in the first two pictures. Not a look I like in my Sonny Boy. The last one is really nice. We don't want to lose prospective jobs because we looks sooo scarey.

    LYFE Mom

  10. Lyman 9:18 AM

    My mom just said I look like the spawn of satan.

    Anyone else see the irony there?

  11. Anonymous 9:41 AM

    LOL - I do I do


  12. KHM 2:16 PM

    i'm sure she was referring to my side of the family! LOL.

  13. KHM 2:18 PM

    Man---the Natalie Portman link has been pulled for copyright infringement. I missed it.

  14. Jeff 11:09 PM

    Found another link for Natalie's rap!

  15. KHM 5:59 PM

    jeff brady---thanks for making my day with the alternate URL on the clip. What a great laugh!

    Lym: add another activity that your Funky Supervillain is great background music for: test driving amazingly indulgent euro-sedans on a gorgeous spring evening. Tastycakes, indeed! And the winner is: The Lexus GS300 fully loaded.

  16. Jeff 11:35 PM

    You're very welcome, Kathy. I posted a link on my blog to download it, too. It's about 58 MB, so I hope you have broadband.

  17. Anonymous 12:57 PM

    I LOVE the last picture...I'm so excited about the honor Ball State is giving you...well deserved, of course. So glad you'll be coming home soon...all of your " Other Mommas" miss you. Love to Carrie and Murphy.


  18. Bret Taylor 5:01 PM

    Oh God, that was hilarious.