sleep cry eat poop
sleep cry eat poop
sleep cry eat poop
sleep cry eat poop
sleep cry eat poop
sleep cry eat poop
sleep cry eat poop
sleep cry eat poop
sleep cry eat poop
sleep cry eat poop
sleep cry eat poop
sleep cry eat poop
sleep cry eat poop
sleep cry eat poop
sleep cry eat poop
sleep cry eat poop
sleep cry eat poop
sleep cry eat poop

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  1. KHM 5:56 AM

    Splendid! Things are going exactly as they're supposed to !

    That is so long as you're referring to Milo's behavior...

  2. Drew 10:11 AM

    The pattern will change soon. Actually, as I wrote that, I realized that it doesn't. The only difference is the timeframe expands.

  3. Jeff 10:19 AM

    All work an no play makes Jack a dull boy.

    No beer and no TV make Homer something something.

  4. Daddy 4:13 AM

    Congrats on the baby, Lyman! I hope you will enjoy the ride.

    I see from the baby schedule that you have figured out there is a new boss in the house. And, man, are they demanding. Monday night, we were in a hotel--Courtney and I spent the night huddled around the laptop in the dark or two feet in front of the tv with the sound barely audible, just so our little monster, err boss, could try to sleep.
