Utter Insanity on the Today Show

I was watching the Today Show this morning. The first thing I saw was a news report of a graphic rape and murder of a little girl. She'd been killed, chopped up, and put in to trash bags, Anne Curry described every detail.

Soon after there was a segment on training dogs. In one seen a boy dog rolled over on his back as dogs often do. While on his back the Today show decided to block out his penis.

I'm going to say that again, in case you missed it.


So breathe easy America, when watching the Today show you can hear a detailed report about the grizzly rape and murder of a little girl without worrying about seeing Benji's wee-wee.

Everyone affiliated with this show has completely lost their minds. Conservatism in this country is out of control.

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  1. KHM 4:53 PM

    Unbelievable! And what, pray tell, are American families supposed to watch in the morning if a show like that is going to get all grizzly about rape, dismemberment? Seriously? We can't watch anything but PBS in the am to avoid the over-the-top sell, sell, sell of commercials for stupid kid stuff or pitching how-to-make-your-body-perfect ads and you certainly can NOT watch the evening news with your kids in the room.

    And we should all be concerned about the doggie's wee-wee. Frankly, I field questions about dog penises all the time---Haley---"Mommy, why do boy dogs lick their penises all the time" Me: "I don't have a penis, ask your Dad. Rob--"because they can". Thanks, co-parent; that helped.

  2. Daddy 4:09 AM

    Well, there is your first problem, Lyman, you are watching the Today Show (or any other drivel from network television or cable). Don't fall in with the 'breads and circuses' majority--it will just make you bitter.

    And your second mistake is blaming all things on "conservatives". That kind of misplaced blame will certainly make you bitter, without accomplishing anything positive.


  3. Drew 5:53 AM

    Kathy, tell Rob that he made me laugh out loud. That was the funniest thing I read all day.

  4. Lyman 7:28 AM

    Ahh good Patrick, I wasn't blaming it on conservatives but conservatism speaking directly about the FCC and their ludacris handling of Janet Jackson's left titty and everything after.

    And my wife likes Matt Lauer for some reason.

  5. KHM 12:10 PM

    Because Matt Lauer is hot, that's why! Not John Mayer hot but good enough for a week day...

  6. Lyman 11:02 PM

    thanks, I thought it was some inside joke I wasn't privy to

  7. Drew 5:54 AM
  8. Daddy 5:41 PM

    Thanks, Drew. Did not mean to tee everybody off--in fact, did not mean it as a political statement. Just trying to say don't get your blood pressure up about something like that--enjoy the good stuff like your new baby, man.