
Boy, is Google clever or what?

There's a highly addictive game they've created called Google Image Labeler, whenever you image search on Google each picture is labeled with different words that will identify the image when you search for it. So basically, every internet photo should be labeled to make it easier to search for them.

When you play Google Image Labeler you are automatically partnered with someone and each of you are presented with the same image. You keep entering simple words to describe the picture until you both come up with the same word, then you move to the next image. Points are awarded for each label and you see how many labels you can match within two minutes.

It really is a lot of fun.

So basically, Google has made up a game so you will do free work for them. Pretty smart. How can I do that?

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  1. Anonymous 12:28 AM

    Must say, Google Image Labeler is indeed cool, but I feel compelled to toss out two more games:

    You want genius and helpful? Play

    You want pure hardcore addicting gameplay?

  2. KHM 5:55 AM

    doh! I hate comment-spam!

  3. Daddy 10:19 AM

    Don't you have a baby and a job that takes you all over the place? How do you have time to do mindless work for others for free? If you are going to do mindless work, at least get paid.


  4. Jeffool 11:24 AM

    Er, huh. That was actually me. Don't know why my OpenID isn't working right... Sorry about that.

  5. KHM 11:32 AM

    sorry to cast dispersions, jeffool. I didn't even click 'cuz, you know... spam.

  6. Lyman 3:28 PM

    Very cool Patrick, how much does it pay?

    And your first post didn't smell too spammy Jeff, s'why I didn't erase it. I've yet to check out the games though.

  7. KHM 5:45 PM

    actually, it was aspersions I didn't mean to cast---i don't even know what a dispersion is.

  8. Anonymous 11:46 PM

    I hate to use you as a testing point, but I'd like to see if I can get my OpenID to work this time...


  9. Daddy 11:59 AM

    How much does it pay, you ask? Well, I am not quitting my day job anytime soon. You can browse through and look at the tasks and their payoffs. Most tasks are mindless and pay very little. But it is more than nothing. ;)