Ridin' That Train ...

We're sitting in the train station in Philly waiting to travel to New London, Connecticut. I know I've said it before but I love riding the train, I have some episodes of The Wire to watch (thanks Cousin Kathy). The rest of the gig in AC was cool but we are all glad to be leaving (even if I did clean up on the poker tables).

New Top Five up, go dig it.

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  1. KHM 10:36 AM

    ridin' that train, high on cocaine; KC Jones you better...

    I have a videotape of Haley at about age 3 singing that song. We had a bedtime routine of reading and singing; everytime I would be out of town for a couple of days, I'd come home to find Haley singing GnR, Grateful Dead lyrics as part of the ritual...

    Love you!

  2. KHM 10:37 AM

    ps---I'm getting SO itchy for the next season of The Wire! Do you love it?

  3. Lyman 1:49 PM

    just finished the first season, I LOVE it ... best cop show ever

  4. KHM 6:19 PM

    Its hot, for sure. exciting--amazingly well done.