Beating the Odds

Out of 120 people, 90 were petitioned to a jury and I was not one of them so I got to leave the courthouse around 3:45. Earlier in the week serving on a jury was kind of attractive to me but warm, sunny Friday afternoons can change your attitude about stuff like that real quick like. I was happy to be sent home.

Did anyone catch the season finale of The Office last night? Was that great or what?

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  1. kbmulder 9:58 AM

    Oh that last minute with Angela and Dwight made me scream! I wonder if we're going to get to see Ryan in jail next season.

  2. Lyman 12:08 PM

    As soon as I heard the moans I knew it was Dwight and Angela.

    And after first seeing what happened to Ryan I thought he was being written out of the show. Probably not though, something is going to develop from his grudge with Jim.