
-Football season finally, officially starts today. Go motherflippin' COLTS!

-Speaking of sports the Dodgers are finally in first place in the NL West. Go Azul!

-I have a gig in Galveston, TX scheduled with Tyrell next Saturday. According to weather reports this is approximately the time when one of the three hurricanes ravaging the Caribbean should be hitting the Texas coast.

-The hypocrisy of Palin will never cease to disgust me. She asks for privacy in regards to her daughter's decision-making concerning her pregnancy yet advocates the government legislating the same decision-making for other folks. Some people are actually going to vote for her?

-I jammed my ring finger three weeks ago while playing volleyball and my ring still won't fit because of swelling. If you see me out and about please don't think I'm on the prowl.

-Is summer over? Holy crap!

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  1. KHM 9:51 AM

    you need to tatoo that ring finger!

    Love you!

  2. kbmulder 3:30 PM

    My dad's wedding ring was "lost in Germany" for my entire childhood. He finally got a new one when I was about 25. Hmmmm. . . .