What is it with fedoras?

I got a call a couple of days ago from the wardrobe lady working on the video tomorrow. She was telling me some stuff to bring including a fedora (if I had one). Let me tell you something; I've been a jazz musician for a long, long time now and I've never, EVER seen a serious jazz musician wearing a fedora. Maybe some of the commercial swing bands wore them back in the late 90s when that crap was hot, but none of my heroes wear them. Why the heck is that a jazz stereotype?

So I'm off to the shoot tomorrow. It should be fun even though the pay is slave-wage ... that's good ol' Disney for you. I'm getting my hair cut at 7:45 AM then shooting off to the studio.

For those of you wondering Carrie is feeling better and her medication is finally taking effect, very good news. Dr. Lyman can cease giving the shots now.

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  1. Ed 9:32 AM

    Well, some of your heroes wore them back in the day... Maybe she's going for a '40s vibe? I don't know.

    But, come on, bro, you'd look pimpin' rockin' a fedora.

  2. Lyman 2:14 PM

    I have a huge head, they don't make many pimpin' hats that fit my dome.