Counting Down ...

The third leg of the Milo World Tour starts Monday. This weekend will be a busy one; Murphy needs shots, I have to wash a bunch of clothes and pack, I have a gig (a private) in San Diego with Tyrell on Sunday (really bad timing) before leaving Monday morning. Monday morning will be a real doozy. I'm taking my bass with me to Indiana as I'm doing some recording with an old friend of mine while I'm there, so I need to pack up our luggage, baby and bass into the car, drive to the airport, drop off Carrie, Milo and the luggage at the check-in, drive the car to the carpark, take a shuttle back to the airport, then eventually check in and fly back.

But once we're on the plane everything should be cool.

Has anyone ever heard of Twitter? It's kind of like a blog that you update throughout the day. You can even update from your phone. It's pretty cool but I soon realized that there's not much of a point if nobody checks it. Here's my profile regardless.

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  1. KHM 4:39 PM

    That is kind of cool, yep. Hmmm. What could we do with that, eh?

    You prolly know that you can update your blogger blog from your phone as well, right?

    Hasta jueves, baby.

  2. kbmulder 5:10 AM

    I like this Twitter, as I appreciate the play-by-play of life. It's definitely a time saver if you need to put something out there right away. Can you send a photo from your phone too?

    I didn't know you could do that with blogger too. Wow!

  3. KHM 6:55 AM

    hey crew---just posted the info on blogger "moblog" over at my place...