Body Count

Over the past couple of days I've watched and read some things with a very high body count; Sunday/Monday I re-watched The Departed, this morning I watched 3:10 To Yuma (a great, great movie), last night I watched the latest episode of The Wire (wow), and yesterday I finished a great novel that K gave me, The Exquisite which is about a man who works for a company committing 'fake' murders until the line between what is real and what is fake becomes blurry. I say I've probably seen upwards of 100 people killed over the past 48 hrs. No matter how high the quality of art is, that will put you in a somber mood.

On a somewhat lighter note it looks like I missed a spicy Democratic debate last night with Social Health being a big topic, I need to find it on YouTube or something.

And on a much lighter note if any of you watched the NFC Championship on Sunday you witnessed a fantastic football game. And to think, Eddie Murphy predicted it all:

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  1. kbmulder 7:22 PM

    Great clip!!! That movie still cracks me up.

    Go Giants!!! I was so excited they won! Now Eli can go kick Brady's butt. The Manning's can't be stopped!!!

  2. Lyman 10:59 PM

    I hope you're right. It would be poetic justice.

  3. Jason 8:33 AM

    Add RoboCop in there and you'll double the body count. Departed was one of the darkest films I've seen in a long time. I'm hoping to get 3:10 this weekend.

    Too bad Mr. Murphy couldn't predict his marriage (non-legal in a foreign country) would last just 14 days.