The Wire in Four Minutes

If you follow this blog or Kathy's blog you have no doubt noticed us waxing poetic about the best TV show ever, The Wire. Well, the fifth and final season has just started and its not too late to jump on board. Spike TV (who airs reruns of The Wire) offers the following summary of the first four season in a mere four minutes:

The Wire in 4 Minutes

Funny stuff. Of course, there's much more to it.

In a true-life story that eerily mirrors the latest episodes of The Wire, Governor Schwarzenegger has proposed sweeping budget cuts for the new state budget which include closing one out of ever five state parks, reducing health care for the poor, releasing tens of thousands of prisoners, and cutting operating costs of gov't programs by 10%. Yikes! I'm going to give Arnie a pass here because even though he's a big ol' Republican I haven't had much of a problem with the guy and even admire his Green initiatives. But my initial reaction is "why cut funding when you can tax the rich?" Well, that wouldn't be the Republican thing to do!

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  1. KHM 9:06 PM

    Tax the rich! Tax the rich! Thanks for the Spike review---I think that's hot!

  2. Anonymous 9:53 AM

    ‘But my initial reaction is "why cut funding when you can tax the rich?" Well, that wouldn't be the Republican thing to do!’

    From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs. Karl Marx

    A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until a majority of voters discover that they can vote themselves largess out of the public treasury. – Unknown

    Sounds to me as though our days are numbered.

  3. Lyman 12:14 PM

    Whose days are numbered? Libertarian-minded Republicans? Let's hope so.

  4. Anonymous 1:40 PM

    I was think our country, but you are probably "right", people who think we should be responsible for ourselves seem to be a dying breed too.

    Now we can't even comment without getting personal. Typical liberal response. Can't argue the facts so they get personal, or block opposing opinions.

  5. Anonymous 2:52 PM

    Since I have already broken my promise to myself to not leave comments on your blog again, I might as well leave one more.

    It has been demonstrated here before, that many who visit have no understanding of basic economics. Some here were surprised to find that GM passes the cost of their employees health insurance on to the consumer in the price of their automobiles, (here's a lesson, so does Honda and Toyota, it's a cost of doing business just like lights, office equipment, etc). Even rich people are not an unlimited, untapped source of money. If you tax them enough, at some point,they will stop spending or investing. When that happens, they may stop flying their friends to Cabo and paying for a huge party that includes a live band.

    Think about it.

  6. Lyman 3:58 PM

    If the rich continue to get tax exemptions and tax breaks that will only leave the poor poorer without health insurance or education. I can sleep better at night knowing that a kid can get medicine rather than a rich person had to cancel a private party at Cabo. Think about it.

    And you can leave other comments on my blog, not just ones where you strongly disagree with me.

  7. Lyman 4:14 PM

    And my Honda was made in Japan, probably why it cost $5,000 less than its American counterparts.

    "Now we can't even comment without getting personal. Typical liberal response. Can't argue the facts so they get personal, or block opposing opinions."

    Where did this barb come from? I'm not the one bringing your job into the discussion by trying to prove a point. I don't know why you think I'm the one getting personal.

  8. Carrie 5:08 PM

    I don't even agree with "tax the rich" I just want our politicians to spend money wisely. I am sick of working for the govenrnment watching the state and my local district waste money, and then feeling the hurt when they have to cut later. It's just like a parent who throws a huge birthday party for their kid, but later that week says, "Now we're broke kid, so you don't get a warm dinner."

    Why do we have to tax the rich to keep a parks open? They just need to stop spending foolishly.

  9. Anonymous 5:19 PM

    Personal attack, "Whose days are numbered? Libertarian-mindded Republicans? Let's hope so." That wasn't directed at me?

    "And my Honda was made in Japan, probably why it cost $5,000 less than its American counterparts." It doesn't matter if your car was made in BF Egypt, if they offer their employees insurance, 401(k), day-care, you name it, the cost is included in the price of the car. That is what determines the price.

    What makes the price of the car cheaper, is their employees don't belong to unions.

  10. Lyman 6:56 PM

    No, I wasn't talking about you. I was talking about the numbered days of the Republican White House, not the end of the world. I didn't know you were being so dramatic.

    And Japan has national health care. I'm pretty sure the workers at the Hamamatsu plant in Japan are privy to a 401(k).

  11. Lyman 6:59 PM

    "are not privy to" is what I meant to say of course

    And just so I'm clear, I'm speaking to the rich being taxed just as much as the middle class which is not happening currently.

  12. Anonymous 7:31 PM

    "And just so I'm clear, I'm speaking to the rich being taxed just as much as the middle class which is not happening currently."

    Top 5% income earners ($145K+ pay 59.67% of all taxes

    Bottom 50% income earners ($31K or less) pay 3% of all taxes

    National Taxpayers Union

  13. Anonymous 2:30 AM

    "And Japan has national health care."

    I don't believe that is true. According to the National Coalition on Health Care, "Japan has a system of universal health coverage" (insurance). The NCHC goes on to say that premiums are based on monthly salary... and that half is paid by the employer, half by the employee".

    My original point still holds. That portion of the premiums paid by Honda is passed on to you and is included in the price of your new CR-V, just like the American automobile manufactures.

    You should read the article.

    Their system actually sounds similar to what I have at work, except I have the FREEDOM to opt out, for now. Imagine that, FREEDOM. What a concept.

  14. Lyman 10:33 AM

    I have a drummer friend who is married to a Japanese woman. Neither of them live in Japan but they both have citizenship. They visit twice a year to be seen by doctors and get medication, for free.

    And last time we had this go-around I repeatedly brought up a socialized health care plan like the one in Holland where folks can opt out for their own plan.

    I put an off-handed remark trying to be funny on my blog and you attacked me once again with communist insinuations, sarcasm, and by bringing up my career to try to prove your point.

    I don't know why you can't be polite Don.