If you follow this blog or Kathy's blog you have no doubt noticed us waxing poetic about the best TV show ever, The Wire. Well, the fifth and final season has just started and its not too late to jump on board. Spike TV (who airs reruns of The Wire) offers the following summary of the first four season in a mere four minutes:
The Wire in 4 Minutes
Funny stuff. Of course, there's much more to it.
In a true-life story that eerily mirrors the latest episodes of The Wire, Governor Schwarzenegger has proposed sweeping budget cuts for the new state budget which include closing one out of ever five state parks, reducing health care for the poor, releasing tens of thousands of prisoners, and cutting operating costs of gov't programs by 10%. Yikes! I'm going to give Arnie a pass here because even though he's a big ol' Republican I haven't had much of a problem with the guy and even admire his Green initiatives. But my initial reaction is "why cut funding when you can tax the rich?" Well, that wouldn't be the Republican thing to do!