The Runaway Bride

I just do not understand the out-pouring of sympathy for this woman who faked her kidnapping because of her impending nuptials.

For the past couple of days I’ve seen interviews with friends and family of the girl on the Today Show. They have said they think that the marriage will still happen and that the girl is just confused. Then this morning I saw an interview with the fiancée. This out-of-touch asshole says he still wants to marry her and that she is a VICTIM in this whole thing.

What the hell?! Denial truly is a river in Africa to some people.

This lady has made national news, committed a criminal offense, and ran across the entire country to get away from this guy and this wedding and people STILL think that everything will be hunky-dory. When I first heard the story I kind of chuckled. I thought it was funny. I can just imagine that type of pressure that would come with an enormous, conservative, expensive, Southern wedding. Who wouldn’t want to run from that?

But then I see all of these folks in complete denial about the situation and I really understood what was going on. Here’s a newsflash to the fiancée and rest of the family: the type of behavior you are exhibiting is EXACTLY the type of behavior she was running away from! She doesn’t want to marry you dude! She is not a happy girl who experienced a few days of confusion! She wants to get the hell away from you people!

I pray that the girl doesn’t buckle under the pressure and guilt of what she’s done and marry this butt-head. I also hope charges are brought against her. While I understand why she just ran away, the way she handled it was inexcusable.

There’s my 2 pennies ….

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  1. Lena 11:11 AM

    When I heard she faked her own kidnapping, I thought it was a joke. The cops could've been doing something important than wasting their time finding her, and the media too.