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(blogspot was screwy for me yesterday, looks like it's cool now)

I played at the No Money Tree again last night. It was pretty fun. Good thing too since the bread suck. But I like to say playing the bass is always better than not playing the bass.

This morning I did a "rehearsal band" at the Musician's Union. These are big bands that meet every week to rehearse and run through charts but never really gig. People do them because it's good to keep reading music (so much of jazz is from memory and by ear, which is the way it should be ... but knowing how to read on the fly is a great skill) and talking with other musicians. It was cool. I wouldn't want to do one every week that's for sure. But every once in a while is alright.

Then I stopped by the greatest record store on the planet, Amoeba Music in Hollywood. It's really close to the Union and I can't help stopping by there every time I do a rehearsal band. I also can't help spending at least $30 when I'm there. This place really has it all. Today I picked up James Brown's Soul on Top, Central Avenue by Danilo Perez, and Soundtrack to Human Motion by Jason Moran. This James Brown record came out last year and I can't believe I waited so long to get it. It's James singing with the Louie Bellson and arrangements by Oliver Nelson. The bassist on it is one of my all-time favorites Ray Brown. Ray is one of the reasons why I play the bass. But that's a story for another time. Central Album is Danilo Perez's follow- up to Panamonk which I think is his best record and one of my favorite jazz records ever. When I was at WMU I saw Danilo and his trio who were touring for Central Avenue and they were great. I never bought it because I heard it so many times back then because all of my friends had it. You know how that is, all of your boys have a record so there's no real need for you to buy it. Well I haven't heard it in a long time and it's good to have it. For my money Jason Moran is one of the very few musicians on the planet who is doing something new and unique with jazz music. His record The Bandwagon blew me away when I heard it and this is the second record I've bought of his since hearing it. It's one of his first I believe and it was recorded back in '99. I dig the musicians who are on it and am anxious to hear it.

My big amp has been in the shop for a couple of weeks. The repairist called me today and said it's going to be finished this afternoon. Good timing because tonight I have a gig where the guy wants electric bass and my big amp works better with electric. This thing tonight is a taping of a public television show I think. It's weird. It's with a bunch of older guys I don't play with that often. I guess I'll find out what it's all about soon enough.

I've been in contact with the comic artist who is doing the cover art for my album. I sent him some materials yesterday including the rough mixes of the recording session I did a couple of weeks ago. His name is Jim Mahfood and he's the shit. Definately the funkiest cartoonist around. Check him out at

Gorgeous day here in sunny Los Angeles.

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  1. Ed 4:26 PM

    Thank you for linking your blog in your signature, Punch.

    It's not like I don't have enough to read on a daily basis.

  2. Lyman 10:04 AM

    Well at least I don't use too many big words. It should be just as easy as scanning the funny pages.

    Thanks for stopping by ed.

  3. Jeff Hotchkiss 1:18 AM

    Go ahead and rub it in that you can go to Amobea Records, Lyman.

  4. Lyman 10:20 PM

    You could too you ever paid a visit to Los Angeles.