The Reign of the Dudes comes to an end

Carrie comes back tomorrow. While Murphy and I have had a good time running the place it'll be good to have her back. We don't sleep as well without her.

Yesterday was fun in that I didn't do anything at all. I worked out in the morning. Then I stopped by the grocery store to get provisions. When I got home I fixed an enormous sandwich, chips, cookies, and a couple of brewskis. I then sat my ass down on the couch intending to watch the ENTIRE Lord of the Rings Trilogy back-to-back-to-back. I'm talking the extended versions now. This is over 10 hrs. of movie.

And I'm ashamed to say that I didn't make it. I got through 3 of the 6 DVDs and had to retire. I love those movies to death but I just couldn't hang. Maybe if I hadn't already seen all of them at least 3 times apiece I would've made it through. Oh well. It was fun trying.

Today I went to Hollywood Park Casino and played a poker tournament there. I didn't win but I had a real blast playing. I always have a lot of fun playing the tournaments there. I grinded out for over 3 hrs. and made it to the final 7 tables out of 20 or so but still didn't finish in the money. Doesn't matter. Still had a good time. And more importantly I played fairly well and didn't make any huge mistakes.

Big day tomorrow. Got a last minute gig with Tyrell, somebody's having us play at their home for a party or somethin'. And I have to pick Carrie up in the morning. Traffic is going to be hell.

I was going to stop by this jazz club called the Baked Potato tonight for their jam session that some friends of mine play in. But it's really raining here and with the early morning and all I think I'll just call it a night.

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  1. Lena 8:29 AM

    I'm heading to L.A. in early July before SDCC for a concert.

    I'm definitely going to ask you for some jazz club recommendations.

  2. Lyman 1:15 AM

    What concert?

    Unless I'm on tour or something I'll be here right before SDCC and Brett (howyadoin) will be hanging with me as well .

  3. Lena 6:31 AM

    Friday, July 8, 2005 for the Hollywoodbowl 75th Sondheim Concert. Yeah, I was so bummed out about missing the free NYC event, I'm flying out to LA (for the first time ever) to catch this concert. Craziness.

    I'm probably arriving Friday morning and heading home Saturday evening or Sunday morning.

  4. Lyman 2:21 PM

    Wow. You're flying out for the concert then flying back to NY only to fly back to SoCal a couple weeks later? You Sondheim nut!