Ho Hum

I tell ya, it's either feast or famine with my job. Either I'm on tour totally consumed with my career or I'm at home doing a whole lot of nothing. And for some odd reason it seems that whenever I get busy with gigs here in LA I get really busy for a week, then really slow, then busy, etc. When it rains it pours.

Well right now I'm in a slow week. I do have a gig tomorrow night and one Saturday but that's about it. Like I've been mentioning I was knee-deep in marketing and business aspects of my career for the past couple of days. Boy that can get boring.

But now that it's done I can start getting a rehearsal together for my next recording session. I think I'll do this one with the vocalist Jess. I still haven't found a sax player although I think I have a guy that might work out. We'll see.

Carrie and I went to In n Out burger tonight. The best burger joint ever. I'm totally comfortable saying that and trust me, I've sampled quite a few. It's funny, Carrie just finished
Fast Food Nation and the author mentioned how In n Out is great because they don't use heat lamps, they use real beef, real potatoes, food is cooked when you order it ... it's good to know but it's also dangerous. The last thing I need is more incentive to go.

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