Car Trouble?

Last night I hop into Carrie's car planning to drive and meet her at her school. She and a couple of other teachers were taking some kids she mentors to a basketball game at CSUN. Well her car wouldn't start, at all. I assumed it was a battery/electrical problem and was not looking forward to attempting to get it fixed. But the stress was for not, I jumped the car this morning and drove it to a nearby auto shop. The guy messed with the connection wires a bit and said I needed to clean the posts because the connection was bad and that was it. Easy enough. You'd think I'd be able to figure something like that out on my own. But I'm just not savvy when it comes to cars.

I have a gig tonight WAY down south in Orange County. It's a 1.5 hr. drive with no traffic (which is never the case). Once again a gig that I thought twice about taking, but the guys in the band are really nice and fun to play with. There's also a bass shop down by there that I've been meaning to check out. Might see a movie too. That's the thing I've learned about taking gigs so far away on Fridays. Better just to leave early and do something when you get down there rather than driving in rush hour traffic.

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